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Wednesday, July 7, 2010 10:21 PM

sick and tired of it
i am shutting down my blog once and all..
wonders what's the point..
it's boring here...
goodbye blog, goodbye people..
thanks for viewing my blog..
this will be the last post..
but memories and thoughts will always be here and within me...
u will always be a part of it..

if u wanna know how i am doing or if u care..
i am just a sms or a call away..
or just see facebook..
take care earthlings..

Sharing of my faith
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 10:47 PM

a christian or a disciple?
seriously it's not going to church,
doing good works or praying or reading the bible
that makes one a christian or a disciple..
u can do all the above,
but there is no change in ur life..
because u are still living the life u are living,
before u became a born-again christian..
u are just a believer, not a disciple..
what sets us apart or different from the rest, the non-christians?
are they able see christ through ur life?
do they see what so special abt giving their lives to christ?

actually..to me personally..
christianity to me is a relationship, more than just a religion..
it's a relationship with God..
it's the fear of God and the love for God...
and it's knowing God's love for us..
trusting and putting our hopes in him..
knowing that he is in control and he sees n knows everything..
like any other people..i was not a believer before..
i didn't believe there was a God..
but i still followed my relatives to temples
to pray and bow down to many diff " gods" or idols..
but the day that i got to know jesus..
that was my turning point..
he was real! i just knew in my heart..
i have experienced him in my life..
he changed my life, my thinking..
i found the joy and the peace..
replacing my hurts, disappointments,insecurities, n fears..etc
when i pray to him, i wld know he hears,
because he answers and speaks to me...
either through people ard me, or through his words, visions, things that happen ard me....etc
He blessed my life in many ways...
i realised that when i start loving him..
and walking in his way..
everything just falls in place, and many things becomes so simple n easy..
loving people ard me becomes earlier...
i begin to see things from a diff. point, it's like through eyes of God..
eventhough sometimes i feel down, felt like giving up..
but God has never left me, the was always there for me..
I really want to share the love of God with the ones i care abt..
because it's the greatest gift..and it's an important thing...
i wanna them to go heaven..
As the gospel of God is moving all around the world,
the world is falling apart..
people has become more evil, lawlessness..
people are chasing things of the world..
looks, wealth , lust, status, approval of others (which all are temporary)
there will be wars, internal conflicts n external
more flood, more natural diseasters... just as it was mentioned in the bible..
more people are dying..
today u may be here..tmr u may not be..
in these end times..nothing is certain
who do u put ur trust in?
yourself? ur money?
God loves u..he wants u to be in his kingdom..
God has given choices to everyone..
choice to reject him or to receive him..
all will hear of him...once the gospel reaches all corners of the earth..
it will be over...
one thing diff abt me from the rest?
i have chosen christ, therefore i have him in my life..i have a living hope..
i will not fear of what will happens because nothing is greater than my God..
all i need is to fear God..because he controls everything..
God loves u! (remember tht!)

ohoh..Sammi Cheng new songs,
pls listen on my playlist, i have only two of them
love it, all the ablum songs are abt her faith..cool!

yearly june struggle
Thursday, June 3, 2010 8:08 PM

shd i go or shd i not go?
reason why i am am not going:
1) beloved cant go,
2) so if he is not going, scared i will lonely n bored
3) i not very close to church people
4) i got social-problem,
if it's people i dun feel comfortable with,
i tend to shy away,shut up n not talk=X
5) need to spend money!! and it's not a holiday trip=(

reason why i shd go:
1) get re-charged again in the spirit
2) draw closer to God
3) at least jeremiah.T and esther going

should i go to KL for church camp ???
haiz..i need company!!!
if only i had a close friend who is a christian too
den can go together!!!!

but the saddest things is they are mostly not!=((((((

It is June holidays again!!!
1:39 AM

it's holidays again!!!
it's nice not worrying what time u need to wake up the next day
because u can wake up anytime u like
u can sleep anytime u like
it's nice not worrying about being late for work
or dreading to wake up to go to work.
it's nice not thinking about what awaits u in sch...
u can do anything u want
but all u have to worry is about is...
gosh..i simply have lots of time to slack n do anything
too much time that i feel bored!
surf net, watch video, facebooking, do housework, give tuition
most girlfriends are working, guy friends in army
beloved in the miserable camp, poor him=((
pretty sians!! pls pls..anyone free pls ask me out!!
i hate going out alone n being a loner!
i rather hide at home=X
but tmr i will be one!
gonna go gym myself!!!
guess mp3 shall be my best friend..
i need to excerise!!! i see my fats saying hi
and notifying me of their exsistance=(
i need to say byebye to those fats!

Dare to dream, find ur purpose in life
12:56 AM


Fashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore
Do u have a dream?
Have u dared to dream?
thought about what u wanna do in ur life?
something u would want to accomplish
and feel ur life is full of meaning & purpose?
Do u have a goal that gives u inspiration or motivation in life?
is there something that will make u work hard towards?
may it be working hard for the people or someone u love
Or a dream career that u wanna have
or just a simple happy lifestyle u wanna acheive
or a contribution to the society
what is it? do u have one?
My Perspective
or is the road ahead of blurred
clueless and aimless, u don't know where u are heading..
many time u wondered and questioned urself
but u never seemed to find the answer
constantly searching for the real u
or so scared and afraid to dream..
constantly seeking the approval of others.
"study for the sake of parents or being forced to
graduated , get a paper cert with grades that u are not pleased with
or regretted not studying hard during sch years
found a job tht u may not like nor is it ur interest
dragging urself to work everyday
and wonders what is the purpose of all this?
just to earn money and survive?
isn't there more to this?

Love&lt;3Fashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

we have a choice.
It is the choice between merely existing and REALLY LIVING!
you have one life to lead,
don't go into your grave with a list of "reasons why i didn't"
Life is worthless unless u give it value.


Xie Meien

27 Feb 1988
♥jErO,mr penguin
A servant of God

Music playing


KeLyn | ♥ AnGie | ♥ ShArilyn | ♥ kEnnEth | ♥ ShAwnriCk | ♥ Jing YuAn | ♥ JAniCe | ♥ JiA Yi | ♥ LinG YinG | ♥ ChinG Hui | ♥ pOh Chin | ♥ Esther | ♥ JeRemiAh Tan | ♥ Chin YAnG | ♥ bonitochico |

Inspiration ♥ Jaeson Ma | ♥ Vanness Wu |


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